Dub Deliverance Track Day

NGP would like to invite you to join us on Saturday, August 17th at the Summit Point Motorsports Park for the Dub Deliverance Track Day. We’ll be there with a technician, parts, APR Tuning ECU upgrades, and refreshments for everyone. There will also be a raffle for two coupons good for 50% off any of our Type I Coilovers (a $375 value!).

If you would like to attend, please visit the Track Daze website and register today. Registration is $50 if you would like to use the track and free if you will only be spectating. The Shenandoah circuit will be used for track racing.

If you are planning on taking your car on the track, a track inspection is required. We are offering special pricing for those participating in the event at only $75 for a track inspection. Please contact either of our shops to schedule an appointment.


Here’s a video from last years event:


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